Beautiful pencil boxes that will make you fall in love

Studio Sutherl& and Boss Print have collaborated to create a series of beautiful pencil boxes

Studio Sutherl& and Boss Print have collaborated to create a series of beautiful pencil boxes that aim to evoke the deep-rooted desire to bring something beautiful into the world 🗞️.

The boxes resembling a fine book cloth, come in 4 colorways and character illustrations. The basis of the design is a corrugated shipping box that features debossed illustrations – a different one on each side of the box. Perfection at its best. The designs are brought to life with different shades of foil and the top of the box also features the same stylized typography to reveal the foiled words “Pencil Box” ✏️.

Inside the box, besides pencils, there are postcards made with Fedrigoni Tintoretto Gesso that invite you to write. Also inside is a stylish character guide, printed in gold ink on black Fedrigoni Sirio Color Nero paper.

We love all the stunning details and showcase that even today people still fall in love with print 💚.

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