Olay shares inclusive lid design with the beauty industry

Olay North America is introducing the Easy Open Lid, a limited-edition prototype developed with and for people with disabilities

We love that beauty brand @Olay is leading the way in inclusive packaging design with the release of their Easy Open Lid 💚.

The lid offers Braille text, matte material, and winged edges for better grip as well as high-contrast labeling throughout the entire packaging design. The design sets out to accommodate a much wider range of consumers for those with visual impairment, issues with dexterity, and limb differences. The lid is offered at no extra cost for a range of their most popular cream jars.

Best of all, they are hoping that other beauty players will follow suit by making the design of this disability-friendly packaging open for others to download and modify 😍.

Find out more 👉🏼 https://bit.ly/3c1GEpx