Funny marketing stunt tests your Spanish to win a Limonada

Voice-activated Corona kiosk

Confident Spanish speaker and a Mexican limonada lover? Then you were in luck if you were in Las Vegas last week. Check out this hilarious marketing stunt here ๐Ÿ‘‡โ €
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@coronausa set up a voice-activated kiosk that dispensed cans of Coronaโ€™s Hard Seltzer Limonada. If you could pronounce a question in Spanish asking for the drink accurately – you received a free drink. If your pronunciation was off – you didn’t. But there was a backup prize. In partnership with the language app, @duolingo, you received a free month’s subscription to Duolingo Plus if your Spanish was a little off.โ €
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The antics to get the prize and the reactions – priceless. ๐Ÿ˜‚

See the kiosk here ๐Ÿ‘‰